3D Printing

Rapid Prototyping, Model Making and Production Flexibility

With the Objet500 Connex and our team’s expertise in 3D printing, you have access to quick, flexible, and cost-efficient prototyping, model making and prototype samples for low-volume production. This comes with no tooling cost, with quick turnaround times and the ability to print in more than 100 combinations of materials using just two base materials.

The Objet500 Connex from Stratasys can print two base-model materials simultaneously. An enhanced design offers efficiencies in material changeover, finish, detailing and toughness, as well as over-molding on the product structure in very thin layers for model accuracy. A build envelope of 19.3” x 15.4” x 7.9” (500 x 400 x 200 mm) can support large models or numerous parts at the same time.


  • Ideation and concept
  • Detailed design
  • Design freeze
  • Design validation
  • Production setup
  • Short production runs
  • Ability to print small mold cavities for short run production or prototyping

Additive manufacturing capability supports concept models, functional prototypes, manufacturing tools, and end-use parts.


  • Fine feature details
  • Material versatility
  • Multi-material products
  • Durability
  • Accuracy
  • Industrial Thermoplastics
  • Digital mixing, 120 material types
  • Print 3D Jigs or fixtures
  • Industrial thermoplastics with Industrial photopolymers